Your needs, our solutions

Our services

Feuli Partners assists its clients with continuous and sustainable performance improvement issues in the following areas

Human Resources

HR strategy, HR development, career management, HR performance indicators and more...

Legal and Tax

Tax optimization, dematerialization of contract management, legal compliance, enhancement of governance bodies and more...

Operational Excellence

Process optimization, quality management, risk mangement, business continuity planning and more...

Finance and Management Control

Financial planning, budget development, cost analysis and optimization, financial risk management and more...


Activity planning, management by objectives, team leadership, change management, activity control and more...

Environmental Management

Environmental impact analysis, environmental performance, ISO 14001 certification, sustainable, development strategy and more...


Digital marketing strategy, marketing mix optimization, marketing plan design, online visibility and more...

Performance Management

Business intelligence, performance analysis, dashboards and key performance indicators, reporting and more...


Strategic planning, business model analysis, business plan design, growth strategy and more...

Technology and Innovation

IT strategy, IT cost optimization, IT performance management, automatic software testing and more...

Digital Transformation

Elaboration of the digital transformation strategy, dematerialization of processes, framing and piloting of projects and more...